Protection and Participation of Children and Youth refugees in Sustainable Livelihood promotion is one of COERR’s most concern. During 2014, several activities have been implemented, especially, organic vegetable gardening for food production and livelihood skills training. COERR Kanchanaburi, for example, in September, organized the Livelihood and Agricultural Fair to raise awareness of refugees in agriculture and environment protection. Demonstration of activities include animal raising such as ducks, hens, frogs, fish breeding and raising, making soap, dish washing solution, cloth weaving and t-shirt screening, broom making, vegetable gardening, bean sprout and mushroom growing, gardening of Ornamental plants, etc. Vegetables and food produced by refugees in COERR’s program are also on sale for income generation and for public relations, e.g. organic vegetables, duck and hen’s eggs, duck and chicken meat, grilled fish, meat ball, etc. The purpose is to draw refugees’ wide attention in activities that are useful for their present and future living. As a result, a lot of interested refugees registered for participating in the next COERR’s agricultural and livelihood training courses.
Livelihood Fair and Agricultural Fair on September 6 and 10, 2014

Group photo of COERR staff and refugees in this program. The picture of His Eminence Michael Cardinal Michai Kitbunchu, COERR first President and the late Rev. Fr. John Baptist Bunlert Tharachatr, COERR’s first Executive Director is at the middle

Barber shop in Ban Don Yang refugee camp, Kanchanaburi province

Soap Making

Maintenance of candle making

Sweet banana crisps making is taught to interested youth and elderly

COERR Mae Sarieng organized livelihood activities such as vegetable gardening, animal raising and also agricultural tool making

Pig raising

Fish raising

Self-Help Activities of COERR Mae Sod in December 2014
Vegetable gardening, mushroom growing, animal raising such as goats, frogs, etc. in Ban Mae La camp

Fish and frog raising in Ban Nupo camp

Soap and candle making in Ban Nupo camp

Pig raising in Ban Umpiem camp

Mushroom growing in Ban Umpiem camp

In December, COERR trained refugees in Papaya Spicy Salad making for livelihood skills. The tasty flavor and easy cooking of this recipe simply caused refugees to request that this training should be repeated.
